24-25 State Testing
There is testing in ELA and math for all grade levels, and 8th graders will also be taking a science test. Testing will take place May 1st - May 31st.
For the next 3 weeks we ask that you refrain from early pick ups from school in order to create and respect the testing environment going on around campus.
Beginning Monday, our 6th-8th grade student will participate in the California statewide tests, depending on their grade level or instructional program:
Smarter Balanced Summative Assessments (SBAC) for English language arts and math are required tests in grades 3–8
California Science Test (CAST) is a required test in grades 5 and 8
California Alternate Assessment (CAA) for English language arts and mathematics are required tests in grades 3-8 for designated students with special needs
Parents, you are an important part of your child’s education. To make sure your child feels comfortable taking tests, you can:
Ensure your child has adequate sleep each night.
Ensure your eats breakfast each day before school and continues a healthy diet.
Explain to your child that these tests are tools to help them learn, and they should not be anxious or scared.
Remind your child that you and their teacher(s) want them to try their best and are there to help, every step of the way.
Students will test during the class period that they have that subject. For example, students will take the math test during their math class. Parents, please keep these dates in mind when you schedule medical and dentist appointments, because we want to encourage student attendance during testing. Also, please ensure that your child gets plenty of sleep and eats a nutritious breakfast and lunch.
Testing will take place on the students’ Chromebooks. That means we need to make sure that all Chromebooks are working properly. If a student’s Chromebook is broken or not fully working properly, then please email Dylan Huynh dhuynh@wsdk8.us and schedule a time to get your Chromebook fixed.
We also need your help in reminding students to bring wired headphones and a charged Chromebook everyday. We can provide wired headphones, but typically students prefer their own. Also, students will not be allowed to have electronics on them such as phones, earbuds, apple watches, etc. Teachers will be collecting these items at the start of the period and returning them at the end of the class period. If a student does not want these items collected, then please don’t bring them to school during testing.
Also, students should bring something silent & non-electronic for them to do during testing. This is because when students finish their test, they will have to do something silent & non-electronic at their seat. They may not use the Chromebook after they finish their test. We suggest reading a physical book, drawing, coloring, or putting their head down and resting.