- Contact
- Reporting an Absence
- Parent Square Notifications
- Excused Absences
- Unexcused Absences
- After School Activity Participation
- Late Arrivals / Tardy Policy
- Check Out Early
- Extended Absences / Illness or Vacation
- Excessive Health Absence Notification
- Attendance Letters / SART / SARB
REGISTRAR: Patsy Ashcraft (attendance, student records, and enrollment)
HOTLINE: (714) 897-6723
FAX: (714) 372-8810 (for any attachments like doctor's note, you may also email)
Reporting an Absence
Attendance at school is mandatory. Regular attendance and promptness to class are important components of a student’s academic success. Students who are frequently absent may be jeopardizing not only their immediate academic success, but also their ability to graduate. One all-day or period absence could result in a significant loss of instruction for your child. Being tardy to class interrupts classroom instruction.
Please call the Stacey Middle School Attendance 24 Hour Hotline prior to or on the day of your student’s absence at (714) 897-6723. The Registrar is available to answer questions at (714) 894-7212 extension 2604, but this is not for reporting absences. The district nurses are always available if you have any questions about your child’s health.
A written absence note or parent/guardian phone call is required within three (3) days. Unverified absences become UNEXCUSED after three days. This is a District policy. We recommend calling the attendance hotline or sending a note with your student to the student window the day of return. No changes can be made to attendance after (3) days.
All notes and phone calls MUST include the following information:
(1) Full name of student
(2) Student date of birth
(3) Date of absence(s)
(4) Specific reason for absence
(5) Parent/guardian name/signature and phone number for parent notes
(6) Stamp or doctor signature for medical notes
Notes will be kept by the Registrar. Parents may contact the Registrar to check status of notes.
Student’s with excessive “health excused” or “parent request” absences will be referred to an administrator and doctor's notes may be required.
Parent Square Notifications
Excused Absences
The following absences are considered the only legally excused reasons to be absent from school. Students are allowed to make up work for these reasons:
Excused Absences
- Illness
- Medical appointments (with verification from the doctor’s office)
- Quarantine
- Funeral (1 day for in state, 3 days for out of state)
- School-related activities
- Court appearance (with verification from the court)
- Jury duty
- Religious observance
- Personal reasons with prior administrative approval. (A request for an extended personal absence must be given to the attendance office in writing at least one week prior to the absence.)
- All other absences are considered truant or unexcused. An absence becomes TRUANT when it is not cleared by a parent in writing or by phone within three (3) school days
Unexcused Absences
An unexcused absence is defined as follows:
- All absences not cleared through the attendance within (3) days office by parent, guardian, or doctor are considered unexcused.
- A student missing any class without parental knowledge.
- UNEXCUSED (verified) absences include
- Medication issues
- Headaches
- Menstrual issues
- Missed bus
- Asthma
- Oversleeping
- Car trouble
- Baby-sitting vacation
- Head lice beyond 2 days
It is the parent’s responsibility to clear the child’s absence within (3) days or it will be marked unexcused. By law, teachers are under no obligation to accept make-up work due to truancies and unexcused absences.
Please note that unexcused absences may lead to disciplinary action up to and including SARB referral.
After School Activity Participation
Late Arrivals / Tardy Policy
Students are considered tardy if they are not in their seat when the bell rings. A warning bell rings at 8:10am.
Students must be seated at 8:15am to be considered on-time.
When it is necessary for a student to arrive late and miss one or more periods due to medical/dental appointments a note from the doctor must be given to the office within (3) days. If the student wasn’t feeling well the parent/guardian may send a note with the student’s first and last name, date and the reason for the absence and signature. Student may be evaluated in the health office for fever.
Check Out Early
To leave campus DURING the school day, parents/guardians or approved emergency contact listed on the emergency card MUST come into the office to sign out the student(s) BEFORE student(s) can be called out of class. If someone other than the parent is checking out the student, the parent must first call the school to give permission. Even if that person is listed on the emergency contact list. The emergency contact list is there for our use to aid us in trying to contact the parent.
For the student to be marked EARLY EXCUSED for an appointment, a note must be brought from the doctors, dentist, etc. to the office or student window.
Students who are injured or become ill during the day must report to the Health Office and phone called made to the parent/guardian or emergency contact person before leaving campus. Student will be marked EARLY EXCUSED.
Extended Absences / Illness or Vacation
When a student is absent because of an infectious/extended illness, parents/guardians must contact the Health Office, or the student must present a written note to the Health Office before being readmitted to class. Should an absence continue longer than first reported to the attendance office, the parent/guardian must call with the new information. Any student returning to school with a physician's note (including physical education limitations) must report to the Health Office with the note.
Arrangements for family vacations should be made during non-school days. If vacations are planned, it is the student’s responsibility to acquire his/her homework. It is also the student’s responsibility to meet with the teacher and obtain any missed assignments.
Excessive Health Absence Notification
Board policy states “When a student has had 14 absences in the school year for illness verified by methods listed in #1-3 above, (written note or telephone conversation) any further absences for illness must be verified by a physician.” For this purpose, if a student reaches 14 Health Related Absences, an Excessive Health Absence Notification Letter will be sent to the parent following review be the Assistant Principal of Supervision and the School Nurse.
Attendance Letters / SART / SARB
According to Education Code Section 48260, “Any pupil subject to full time education who is absent from school without valid excuse three days or tardy without valid excuse in excess of thirty minutes on each of more than three days in one school year is a truant.” Multiple truancies may affect a student’s status to graduate.
Auto-generated attendance letters will be sent to parents when the following causes have been reached:
Tardies in excess of 8, 12, and/or 15 days.
Excused absences in excess of 5, 10, and/or 14 days
Unexcused absences in excess of 3 and/or 5 days.
Please be aware that California State Law (Education Code 48290) states that parents who fail to meet their obligation of insuring their child’s regular school attendance are guilty of a law violation and are also subject to prosecution pursuant to Article 6.
Excessive unexcused absences will result in an invitation to attend the Orange County District Attorney Parent Meeting and/or a referral to the District Pupil Attendance Review Board (SARB).