9/9/24 -Attention eSports! Our first practice will be next Monday, September 16th after school in room H7 2:45pm - 3:30pm. Check Jupiter messages for additional information on tryouts.
9/9/24 - Due to the heat advisory, Football tryouts will be held for 6th and 7th graders on Thursday, September 12th; 8th-grade tryouts will be held on Friday, September 13th. Please wear your PE clothes if possible. Boys and girls are welcome.
Flag Football Game Schedule (Dates and times subject to change)
October 9th / @ Johnson Middle School / Stacey vs Johnson / 3:00p
October 23rd / @ Warner Middle School / Stacey vs Warner / 2:00p
October 30th / @ Stacey / Johnson vs Stacey 2:00p / Warner vs Stacey 3:00p